
Saturday, February 23, 2019

HIIT Training : Errors To Avoid

HIIT (high intensity interval training) seems to have started training a month in the world of fitness - and it is easy to see why. Exercises that you can perform, despite the busy and tight schedule, are invaluable. In addition, it is much easier for many to endure twenty minutes of intense activity than to devote a full hour to performing stationary cardiovascular exercises.

However, before you immerse yourself in these workouts, it is important to prepare yourself for them and avoid the following common mistakes. We asked Abigail Stacy for advice (@workoutwabi_powerlifter). She works as a physiologist at the Nuffield Health Center and has a Bachelor of Science degree in Sports and Exercise. If you do HIIT workouts correctly, you can not only improve your results, but also prevent injuries.

  • Make sure you are ready to workout
Even before you start performing your chosen HIIT workout, Abigail recommends that you make sure that you are fit enough to accept this challenge.

“You should be able to maintain 65-75% of your maximum heart rate 30 minutes before the start of HIIT. This can be calculated by the following formula: 220 minus your age. For example, if you are 25 years old, your maximum heart rate will be around 220 - 25 = 195. "

It is also important to allocate time for warm-up before training.

  • Better less and more intense
The essence of HIIT training is that you work intensively for a short period of time. A general rule of thumb is the 3: 1 ratio between exercise and rest. For example, 45 seconds of jumps, and then 15 seconds of recovery. Intervals should not exceed 30 minutes.

“The maximum time allowed for HIIT can vary from 4 minutes (as in Tabata training) to 15 minutes. However, 30 minutes is the maximum recommended duration. Anything that lasts more than thirty minutes can increase the risk of injury, and it is much better to work harder for less time. ”

  • Do not overdo it
Following the previous point, between high-intensity workouts, you should give your body a good rest. Perhaps this is a tempting prospect - to perform HIIT every day of the week, as the workout is short and fits easily into your daily routine. However, remember that you must give your muscles time to recover.

"It is enough to perform 2-3 HIIT workouts a week, and if you have 24 hours to rest between workouts, your body will recover and you will reduce the risk of injury."
If you reduce recovery time, this can slow down your results in the long run. But no one wants to do berpi for nothing!

  • Choose the right time to workout
Doing at any time of the day is great, isn't it? Or maybe not. According to Abigail, you can get the best results from a workout depending on when you do it.

“Morning HIIT-training increases the thermogenic effect in the body, which prolongs the time of burning calories during the day. A late evening exercise can make it difficult for you to fall asleep, because it awakens the entire body. In the evening, it is recommended to do more relaxation exercises, such as yoga or pilates. ”

It seems that it would be more expedient to set the alarm twenty minutes earlier and have a training session in the morning than to squeeze it in the afternoon.

  • Do not run on an empty stomach
As with any other exercise, you can get more bang for your body if you fill it with the correct “fuel” before your workout, and also after it to help the body recover. This does not mean that you should jump and run on a full stomach, so be sure to calculate the nutrient intake so that the food can be properly digested.

Consumption of carbohydrates after HIIT is very important, since your muscle glycogen stores will be depleted as a result of intense activity.

If you take into account all the above, your next HIIT training will be a great success. Although you do not have to go beyond the limits beyond which levels are dangerous to health, this type of training still reveals the limits of your body. Therefore, if by the end of the workout you are not choking and not sweating too much, then you are definitely not working hard enough. For better results, you can buy hgh online with doctor’s prescription.

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