
Monday, October 21, 2019

Joint Pain Causes and Natural Treatments

Joint pain is one of the most debilitating problems one can have. There are a number of reasons for joint pain. And it can affect you in a number of ways, depending on the joint affected by it. Pain in the Knee joint can make very common and routine activities like walking, running and dancing uncomfortable. Pain in the shoulder can make it difficult to lift things, while hip pain can make climbing stairs or getting up from a chair a painful task. Joint pain is often associated with redness and stiffness and warmth around the joint.

Arthritis is an umbrella term that covers a huge number of disease but these diseases are somehow or the other related to your joints.


With numerous types of arthritis, the cause is still not specifically known. But there are things that are associated with increased chances of you having arthritis.

    Age. As we grow older our joints tend to be worn down.

    Gender. Except for gout, most types of arthritis is more common in women as compared to men.

    Genes. Certain types of arthritis and related symptoms are associated with the genetic makeup of the patients. 

    Excess weight. People with heavier bodies are at a greater risk of starting and worsening. of arthritis in knee joints. 

    Injuries. Injuries can cause joint damage that can initiate some types of conditions.

    Infection.  Some types of microbes e.g. Bacteria and Fungi can infect joints to trigger inflammation.

    Work. Types of work that make you go hard on your knees and or include lifting heavy weights can cause certain types of arthritis.

Osteoarthritis natural treatments

Greeniche natural health has prepared a joints health formula that not only reduces discomfort, related to osteoarthritis, in joints but also helps to restore the joint cartilage deterioration of which is related to pain and overall functioning of joints.
There are various foods and supplements for the joint pain that may help relieve symptoms of arthritis such as inflammation and joint pain.

Fish Oil

    Fish oil supplements can help reduce joint pain, toughness, and treatment needs in people with rheumatoid arthritis which causes painful joints.

Green Tea

    Green tea is one of the beverages with rapidly growing popularity in the world. It has been used for various purposes, one of these being the reduction of inflammation in the body. This reduction, in turn, helps arthritis-related pain and functioning of the joints.


    Though detailed studies to examine the role of ginger in reducing joint swelling and certain types of arthritis are still needed it is said that early studies in the area have shown promising results. In South Asian and Chinese traditional treatment ginger is used for increased blood circulation, which brings the heat to the affected areas and relief to the symptoms related to arthritis. 

Other alternative treatment options used for different types of arthritis are

    Massage Therapy

Epsom salt baths and hot and cold compresses are also used for symptomatic relief in arthritis. 

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