The Gundam franchise is one of the most traditional among the anime (since 1979). The Gundam Base explains the history in its museum exhibits and also offers many opportunities when it comes to buying, including models that can be assembled in the Tanakasan Shop and buy manga anime online from Japan with Gundam themed toys.
Don't forget to take a selfie next to the life-size statue of Gundam!
Nakano Broadway - Popularly known as "collector's refuge," Nakano Broadway (Tokyo) is a commercial center to discover rare and hard-to-find anime and manga products. There are twenty-seven different stores in this place, including clothing stores and a grocery store.
The manga god has tried himself brilliantly in a historical drama. The scenario of the 3 Adolfimagine the investigation of a Japanese journalist between 1936 and 1945 in search of documents proving that Adolf Hitler has Jewish blood. Hunted by the Nazis and the Japanese regime, Sohei Togué is ready to do anything to bring down the Reich and avenge the death of his brother.
The Tree in the Sun - It is the maestro's last masterpiece that we could compare to Barbarossa by Akira Kurosawa and The Last Samurai by Kenji Misumi. This eight-volume fresco tells of the friendship between a doctor and a samurai between the end of the Edo era in 1854 until the restoration of Meiji (1868). Each of the two men knows the twilight of his caste. Close to a novel by Alexandre Dumas or Balzac, Tezuka brilliantly overlaps historical reality with fiction. His storytelling talent allows us to understand a complex era in Japan, which ended with the destruction of the samurai in the terrible Boshin war. The Tree in the Sunis also a manga on medicine (again!) and was inspired by genre cinema from the 60s and 70s, the numerous political fights and assassinations echo the films of Kenji Misumi, Eiichi Kudo and Akira Kurosawa. This fascinating saga, winner of the Shôgakukan Prize (comparable to the Golden Fawn of Angoulême), is his last great humanist epic on the meaning of duty and friendship.
Osamu Tezuka, life in the manga, to understand everything about the author, to buy manga anime online from Japan visit us, as Tanakasan Shop offer all manga anime.
The biography of Osamu Tezuka - This drawn biography of over 900 pages traces the life of the god of manga. Published for the first time at Casterman, this pavement, which can be read in one go, is back on the stands (this time broadcast by Pika Édition) on the occasion of the tribute to the Angoulême Festival. The book explains little Osamu's passion for drawing, insects and Japanese animation. Many original plates have been incorporated into the narration to show the graphic and scriptural developments that the artist will experience. We also understand where the pacifism and humanism of Tezuka, disrupted by the Second World War, came from. In short, the perfect work to discover in-depth the history of the largest of the manga as.
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